Mechanical Engineering (BA)

A graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Machine Design, regardless of the profile and specialization of education, should have mastered knowledge in basic disciplines enabling him to perform the function of a mechanical engineer in various fields of technology. The study system develops and consolidates in it such qualities as creativity, need and ability of continuous self-education and responsibility.
A graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has basic technical knowledge focused on Mechanics and Machine Design. The engineering knowledge obtained during studies will enable the graduate to solve design and construction, production and operational problems. The foundations of broadly understood technical knowledge in connection with economic knowledge will enable the graduate to manage employee teams and production plants. The graduate has knowledge of the use and use of computer equipment and a good knowledge of at least one foreign language, enabling him to freely use foreign language literature as well as to take up a job both at home and abroad.
Engineering studies are designed to shape a graduate capable of completing basic engineering production tasks in the field of:
- machine construction technology,
- machine design and construction,
- energy systems, machinery and equipment.
He has knowledge of management, work organization, law and economics. He is prepared to work in large industrial teams and small enterprises.