Electronics and Telecommunications (MA)

Courses cover a wide and coherent field of electronic systems for measurement, diagnostics, emergency detection and control, identification of persons and goods, automotive electronics, monitoring, manufacturing quality control, product electronization, and many others jointly referred to as electronic infosystems.
NB! Programme is preceded by Preparatory Semester
The CES specialization graduate obtains the knowledge and skills in a field of:
– classification of so called electronic infosystems: measurement, diagnostics, alarm, telemetric, person and product identification, object protection, car electronics, metrological support of production, mechatronics,
– modeling, design and construction of electronic systems taking into account required reliability and electromagnetic compatibility and programming using modern tools (LabWindows/CVI, LabView, Visual C++, Matlab),
– subject of electronic systems, starting from microsystems, through standard system, up to macrosystems, as well as distributed systems based on computer networks
The graduate gains the constructor skills allowing standalone work in different professional environment or to establish a company producing electronic modules, measurement instruments, alarm systems, car electronics.
The graduates can be employed in different kinds of industry, especially in:
• companies or medium and small firms in the field of design and construction of electronic modules, instrumentation, systems and microsystems,
• industry of different lines in field of metrological support of manufacturing (also computer-aided),
• manufactures/institutions as an instrumentation engineer or programmer with deep hardware knowledge,
• industry laboratories or research and development centers,
• small company in field of instrument validation, product attestations etc.