Dietetics (BA)

With the rising popularity of healthy eating on the one hand, competing with the obesity crisis on the other – specialised knowledge of dietetics is becoming ever more popular. This is why Vistula School of Hospitality decided to establish a Dietetics Bachelor’s programme.
The three-year programme is perfect for those people who maintain a healthy lifestyle and would like to learn how to apply their newly-gained knowledge in practice.
The greatest advantage that Dietetics (Bachelor’s programme) at Vistula School of Hospitality has to offer, is its curriculum, unique on a national scale. It has been designed to include healthy nutrition at various levels of physical activity, age, physiological status, as well as with nationality and culinary tastes in mind. Over the course of these studies, you will learn how eating healthily can help you become fit, achieve mental well-being, and get in good physical and mental shape.
Being a dietician is a satisfying job. It enables you to combine professional work with helping others. It is a career with great prospects, as more and more people become aware of the value of leading a healthy lifestyle, and often search for help to achieve it.
As a dietician, you can find employment in:
- Dietetic counselling offices in fitness clubs, gyms, and sports clubs.
- Public dietetic counselling offices.
- Schools, kindergarten, day care centres.
- You will be able to become independent and operate your own business.